Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hitting the Big 3-Ohhhh

Not in age...in kgs!

Last week I officially hit 30kgs lost [now at 31.3kg]
Wooo - YAY me !

Here is my reward:

Haha - it's not real...but who cares? It's so sparkly and pretty!!

I will get around to posting some before / progress photos soon I promise...
I guess you don't realise how big you were until you're not anymore.
Anyone else find that too?

Be Good...and if you can't - be good at it

xoxo Erin

Monday, June 28, 2010

The value of a coffee

There is a sense of validation and a feeling that you exist in the world when that special day arrives. It doesn't normally take too long but when it does, you feel like you matter and someone notices you...

...yep - the day the coffee guy remembers how you have your coffee!!

You get a smile when you walk in - not just a welcoming, sales assistant smile - but a genuine 'oh, here's a familiar face' smile and you notice that he is already making a coffee. You look around...no-one else LOOKS like they're waiting; then it gets placed on the bench - 'large skim cap with equal'

'largeskimcapwithequal' ? why, that's ME !!

Happy Monday guys - may your coffees be strong and your willpower even stronger

xoxo Erin

Friday, June 25, 2010

* Drumroll Please...*

So it's a work in progress and I THINK I've set this up correctly but welcome to the World of Erin...

I am going to be 30 this year in December and thought I would venture into cyberspace to record the RAMBLINGS that rattle around in my mind for much of the time.

See my little pig in the photo on her 2nd B'Day? That's Lucy. I'll be talking about her...a lot !

Stay tuned over the weekend when I really get a chance to play around with this a little more

xoxo Erin